

I am Kind, Compassionate & Intuitive and I kick Ass.

With over 30 years of experience in Mental Health, alongside 20+years extensive experience as a Hypnotherapist. I have worked with thousands of people from various walks of life.

“As a result of working with me, you will develop a greater understanding of yourself and your inner resources, skills, and needs.

This understanding will allow you to regain a sense of control and discover your Personal Power. This often results in you having greater enjoyment in life and much more.

Its divine work bringing many blessings.”


I’ve helped thousands of people from all walks of life, I know it’s on trend to say I’m working with high-ranking humans with big titles, but I don’t see the relevance in sharing that. To me, it’s what is within you that is important. I see humans, not their titles. Come as you are as you are. You are welcome, and whatever you do in life has value. 

I’m sometimes described as a magician, healer, Yoda, and guru. This is all very flattering for my ego, but in truth, I am none of these.

My fascination with belief systems and how our perception shapes our experience of reality escalated in 2005 when I was drawn to plant-based Shamanism. I visited the Amazon Jungle and stayed with Shipobo Shamans. Yes, I drank ayahuasca many times, and it was extraordinary, liberating, terrifying, wonderful and much more.

I'm an experienced navigator of the soul. I'll walk beside you. It’s important that you feel empowered. So let me be clear: I won't heal you; I do not believe I can. I believe YOU can find that within you.

I'll show you how to light your inner fires, so to speak. You will liberate yourself from whatever holds you back. We will explore you and your relationship to life with intrigue and fascination. We will laugh and cry and find joy in extraordinary places.”


AlexIa Elliott Hypnotherapist

We can recycle and update existing skills in a way that gives you the changes you want.

The following year, I returned to Peru but stayed in The Andean mountains in Cuzco to further my study with the local shamans. Yes, I drank San Pedro. My experiences with plant medicine have been profound

My early life experience largely in self-abuse and addiction was visceral learning, I strongly agree the challenges and battles I’ve encountered have been the finest training for my work. I was immersed in the dark side of humanity and developed a heightened sensitivity, which later became a gift.

I raised my daughters independently; being a young single mother brings voluminous challenges and pleasure. Hardship gifted me wisdom, and living in poverty crafted stoical tenacity for survival

I believe that we all have creative resources within us that are powerfully transformative. I will pay attention to you, as you know more about you than me.

I am invested towards ongoing learning and further developing my craft daily is joyful for me. I have trained with some of the finest teachers in the field and use various techniques, approaches, and philosophies, such as Hypnotherapy, NLP, Shamanism, Timeline Therapy, Inner Child Work, Psychotherapy, Depth and Process Psychology, Jung and Post Jungian Theory, and Archetypes.

My approach leans heavily into this being a soulful process rather than a tedious set of tick boxes and prescriptions. My background in Psychology complements the treatment of various psychological and somatic problems. My therapeutic approach is well-rounded and flexible, focusing on you with a large portion of enthusiasm.

“Sacred Alchemy is a comparatively fast approach to change when drawing a parallel with traditional therapies. It is a practical approach to change, and we will have a wonderful time together if you like honesty and a ‘let’s get on with it approach to making changes”


This is a full body catalepsy. This is not how I approach Hypnosis.

Other Interests

I enjoy travelling, and nature and I’m a little cracker’s about birds and have a small retirement home for hens.

I wrote a memoir which remains unpublished. I’ve been learning to be a Professional idiot (Theatrical clowning). I suspect I’ll be learning this extraordinary art for the rest of my life. Clowning fascinates me from an archetypal depth psychology perspective, and it’s deeply nourishing for the soul. 

I get fascinated by lots of things.

I’m a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register, and, In a nutshell, that's it about me, and I'm now looking forward to meeting you.

The Image is a full-body catalepsy, I don’t use this approach to help people in my therapy room, it’s quite impractical. I often teach this to students for a fun hypnotic demonstration illustrating the power of your mind.